A punch clock is added value in your company

Register the working hours of your flexible employees


A punch clock or time clock is added value in your company.

Record employees’ flexible working hours using the Traxgo punch clock.

Punch clock or time clock TraxgoYour flexible employees each have their own work schedules. They take their breaks at different times or are a part of various team arrangements. This creates a lot of extra, unnecessary work for your HR department. Thanks to the Traxgo punch clock, all hours are easily recorded.

The punch clock lets you get an overview of all hours worked in just one click.

There are even more benefits to this punch clock. All working hours are easily recorded. The flexible employee can even record business-related travel using a mobile punch clock. Your HR department can then compile an overview of all the hours worked in just one click. You can easily export this overview to Excel, Traxgo’s ERP package, or another software program of your choosing.

The kilometres driven can also be recorded. The mobile punch clock is the ideal tool for calculating kilometre or travel allowances.

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