Technological evolutions follow each other at a rapid pace. As a leading track-and-trace company, we therefore always keep our finger on the pulse for our customers, especially when it comes to developments within the telecom sector, as the operation of our applications depends on it to a large extent. We have given preference to tracking hardware using the faster 4G network for a while now, as a lot of countries have announced that they will systematically phase out the outdated 2G network. With concrete target dates being communicated by telecom operators, this end appears to be approaching faster and faster. It will probably take a little longer in Belgium, but the Netherlands have already planned for the 2G network to be fully phased out by the end of 2027 ...
What is the difference between 2G and 4G?
Both are basically a way of digitally transferring information over the internet between mobile devices, including track-and-trace devices. However, the 2G network is outdated and will be replaced by the much faster and more stable 4G, opening the way to new, innovative applications.
Prepping for the future is the message!
Wenst u meer informatie over wat de concrete impact van de op stapel staande wijzigingen is op uw situatie, neem dan gerust contact met ons op. Mocht blijken dat u voor activiteiten buiten België nog gebruik maakt van 2G hardware, dan zullen wij u sowieso aanraden om niet te lang te wachten met het overschakelen naar 4G. Wij overlopen graag even samen met u de verschillende mogelijkheden om ervoor te zorgen uw track-and-trace toepassingen ook in de nabije toekomst vlekkeloos blijven werken.
If you would like more information on what the concrete impact of the impending changes will have on your situation, please feel free to contact us. Should it turn out that you are still using 2G hardware, we will recommend that you do not wait too long to switch to 4G. We will gladly go through the various options with you to ensure that your track-and-trace applications continue to work flawlessly for the foreseeable future.