Momentous victory at the Captains of Industry Sailing Cup
An unforgettable experience in a truly magnificent setting with a resounding victory as the icing on the cake! The cup will hold a place of honour in our trophy cabinet.
Stay informed of all developments at Traxgo.
An unforgettable experience in a truly magnificent setting with a resounding victory as the icing on the cake! The cup will hold a place of honour in our trophy cabinet.
Smart Solutions is going all the way. For their customers and their employees. Marketer Leylah Alliet talks about the role of Traxgo solutions in the daily operations of this fast-growing company.
Monday, 10 June 2019, marked the fourteenth edition of the annual running event "Kortrijk Loopt", once again benefiting Think-Pink.
Matexpo is a biennial international trade fair for construction equipment held in Kortrijk Xpo. We will be present again this year to show off our solutions for tracking, monitoring, and business software.
Deschacht Bouwmaterialen found the ideal partner to take their transport service to a higher level: Traxgo. Together with us, they invest in systems to increase efficiency.
We held our first Traxgo Academy session, with the theme ‘How to save time and money? An efficient approach to marketing, sales and service’ on Thursday, 25 April 2019, for our customer Smart Solutions at their offices.
Since 1 April, the scope of Section 30bis ("Works on immovable property") has been extended to the supply of ready-mixed concrete to consumers, with or without in situ pouring.
Transporters who install a tyre pressure monitoring system can receive government subsidies until the end of 2019.
In order to allow our installations to go even more smoothly, all our vans are fitted out by one of our satisfied customers, Sortimo.
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